7. Conclusions and Way Forward

(1) Participants could recognize through the presentation of country reports, etc. that the proper action plan to promote and disseminate BEC / GBC and ZEB on buildings should be required for each AMS because the policy and measure to do so are different among AMSs

(2) As for the sharing knowledge about ZEB promotion effort in Japan (design, operation, EE&C evaluation tools, etc.), participants could effectively and efficiently learn about the best practices and specific technologies in Japan through lectures, site visits. In particular, in the site visits, participants learned about the efforts of leading companies in terms of observing three different cases of the ZEB level (ZEB Oriented, ZEB Ready and Net ZEB). It was deeply understood that EE&C evaluation tools, energy management, and step by step level improvement were important for achieving ZEB.  Participants could also learned the information that would be useful for developing more effective national policies.

(3) Participants learned by the advice of JASE-W on planning, design, construction and operation of the building and were provided with the information on the international standardization of the ZEB Family concept as technical measures for promotion and dissemination of ZEB.

(4) Considering the status that number of the submissions in the ZEB Ready subcategory in the AEA was only two and there was no awarded submission in 2019, the participants discussed the specific improvement methods for entry and evaluation, and obtained the following improvement plans:
– To follow Japanese example to introduce “ZEB Oriented” level, which will mitigate the hurdle of submissions to increase the number of ZEB related submissions.
– To enhance national policy to promote ZEB family concept in each AMS
– To study the possibility for using online platform for BOJ members who cannot attend the final judging meeting to enhance evaluation quality (decision by EE&C-SSN)

(5) On the basis of METI’s (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan) instruction, ECCJ is going to continue this workshop in future for further progress in the EE&C of buildings in the ASEAN region.