The Energy Conservation Center Japan (ECCJ) conducted a workshop (ECAP 17) on the energy efficiency and conservation (EE&C) of buildings on 59 November 2018 in Tokyo, Japan. ECAP 17 was under the ASEAN Japan Energy-Efficiency Partnership (AJEEP), where Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) member states (AMSs) shared their knowledge and ideas to develop and implement building energy codes (BECs)/green building codes (GBCs) effectively in their home countries. This report summarizes the presentations, discussions, recommendations, and outcomes of the workshop.

1. Background

Since the development of BECs and GBCs, one of the main strategies of APAEC (ASEAN Energy Cooperation Action Plan)*1 is to develop GBCs that support the use of highly energyefficient products. The EE&C of buildings has always been sustained as one of the main themes of ASEAN Japan EnergyEfficiency Cooperation. ECCJ has held a series of workshops on this theme since 2013. By doing so, AMSs and Japan have shared diverse information on the policies, technologies, and best practices to promote the EE&C of buildings in the ASEAN region. ECCJ has also supported institutional reform of the ASEAN Energy Award (AEA) mainly on buildingrelated categories. ECCJ has collaborated with AMSs to refine the award program and increase the number of entries, while seeking accelerated promotion and dissemination of the EE&C regulatory framework within the region. In these workshops, ECCJ provided ASEAN participants not only with information on the latest Japanese policies and new technologies related to the EE&C of buildings but also with opportunities to exchange opinions with companies and organizations by way of expertise on energy management and technologies. Through these activities, ECCJ has been trying to enhance an awareness of EE&C in the ASEAN region, while aiming to create an environment where Japanese companies can develop their EE&C business together with their counterparts in the region.


*1 APAEC’s four main “Outcome-Based Strategies” for the EE&C program are as follows:

(1) Harmonization and promotion of energy-efficiency standards and labeling on various kinds of energy-related products.
(2) Enhancing private sector participation including energy service companies (ESCOs) for EE&C promotion.
(3) Developing GBCs that support the use of highly energy-efficient products.
(4) Enhancing the participation of financial institutions in EE&C development.

2. Objectives

Based on the above-mentioned background, ECCJ held the SE4All workshop on February 14-16, 2017 in Tokyo inviting experts from the governments of ASEAN countries. The objectives were:


(1) To learn history of JBEC, along with the characteristics of the latest codes with respect to the designing phase and operation phase of buildings;

(2) To learn various aspects of information on JBEC to be used for the establishment and refinement of BEC in the indivisual ASEAN countries; and

(3) To present the current status of each country through “Country Report” and to prepare  “Action Plan” for the future by the end of the workshop.

3. Outline of the workshop

The workshop program was carefully designed and implemented in the following steps:


Presentation of Country Reports

On the first day, participants presented reports consisting of (a) present status and future tasks of BECs/GBCs in their respective countries and (b) proposals to refine the AEA (increase of entries, improvement of criteria and judging procedure, etc.).


Lectures and Site Visit

Participants obtained a great deal of useful information to establish and execute BECs/GBCs in their respective countries as well as to refine the AEA through a keynote speech, Japanese speakers’ lectures, and a site visit to ZEB-ready buildings, recognized for their fine energy management.


<Expected outcomes>

Information sharing among participants about the current situation of both BEC and GBC standards in ASEAN countries and knowledge gain through lectures and a site visit.



Discussion either in small groups or among all members, including special professionals and experts, helped participants to prepare their action plans, according to the particular situation of their countries, by providing opportunities for the free exchange of ideas.


Presentation of Action Plans

At the end of the workshop, participants presented action plans/roadmaps for promoting the establishment and execution of BECs/GBCs in their respective countries.


<Expected outcomes>

New establishment of ZEB-ready evaluation standards in the AEA system.

4. Conclusions and Way Forward

(1) Participants could effectively and efficiently learn about ZEB promotion and best practices in Japan through lectures, field visits, and activities aimed at international standardization of the ZEB family concept. In particular, in the field visits, participants learned about the efforts of leading companies in terms of both new construction and renovation. The lecture on the present status of the benchmark system that was started last year (2017) has successfully added timely and valuable information, which was especially beneficial to countries trying to introduce the system.


(2) Participants formed two groups for further discussion as follows;

setting a reference value (baseline) for calculating the energy conservation rate is to be done by simulation, in accordance with the building code, or by the data collection method (taking the average of existing ones).

specific mitigation was proposed for the reference value regarding various types of ZEB.
I.e. ZEB oriented 30%, ZEB ready 40% and nearly ZEB 60%

・the refinement of evaluation criteria and the BOJ procedure


(3) Participants learned much that activities of the “ASEAN ZEB Promotion Working Group” under JASE-W could influence the activities of AMSs, and robust advice from them was found to be useful for the promotion of ZEB


(4) On the basis of METI’s (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan) instruction, ECCJ is going to continue this workshop in future for further progress in the EE&C of buildings in the ASEAN region.