6. Conclusions and Way Forward

(1) Participants could effectively and efficiently learn about ZEB promotion and best practices in Japan through lectures, field visits, and activities aimed at international standardization of the ZEB family concept. In particular, in the field visits, participants learned about the efforts of leading companies in terms of both new construction and renovation. The lecture on the present status of the benchmark system that was started last year has successfully added timely and valuable information, which was especially beneficial to countries trying to introduce the system.



(2) For a discussion on aspects such as the creation and refinement of ZEB-ready evaluation criteria in the AEA Special Submission Category and BOJ Procedures of the AEA, participants formed two groups for further discussion.

1) As for setting a reference value (baseline) for calculating the energy conservation rate, it was decided that each country should select the optimal case according to each country’s circumstances from the following:
by simulation,
in accordance with the building code, and
by the data collection method (taking the average of existing ones).


2) As for the energy conservation ratio to the reference value regarding ZEB-ready criteria, a specific mitigation method from the Japanese case was proposed in the following manner:
ZEB-oriented NA (Japan’s case) 30%,
ZEB ready 50% (ditto) ⇒ 40%,
nearly ZEB 75% (ditto) ⇒ 60%, and
net ZEB 100% (ditto) 100% (no change).


3) As for the refinement of evaluation criteria and the BOJ procedure, the outcomes are as follows:
no more prejudging process and
to simplify the report format, etc.



(3) From the lecture of JASE-W, participants learned much about the various activities of the “ASEAN ZEB Promotion Working Group” that could influence the activities of AMSs, and robust advice from them was found to be useful for the promotion of ZEB. Information exchange between JASE-W and the participants in this workshop is expected to greatly contribute to their eventual future cooperation.



(4) As for the further EE&C promotion of buildings in the framework of AJEEP, on the basis of METI’s instruction, ECCJ is going to continue this workshop in future for further progress in the EE&C of buildings in the ASEAN region.