Participants gave final presentations on the basis of all the information and experiences gained throughout the workshop, focusing on the following:


(1) How to promote BECs/GBCs or ZEBs in their respective countries by making use of discussions, lectures, site visits, etc.
(2) How to refine evaluation criteria and the BOJ procedure of the AEA.
(3) Key takeaways of ECAP 17.

Country Presentation for Wrapping Up

Brunei Darussalam


(1) Key takeaways of ECAP 17
Clear definition of ZEB.
To learn all efforts and initiatives by a couple of ZEB-ready buildings in Japan during the site visits.
Knowledge and information sharing during the group discussion.
To create networks with colleagues from other AMSs, METI, and ECCJ.
– To potentially share any case study on ZEB best practices.


(2) Action plan

To disseminate all information to the Brunei Darussalam Ministry of Development.
To make the ZEB criteria known to all building owners.
To identify any potential ZEB-oriented buildings in Brunei Darussalam for submission in the AEA for 2019.
To assist all building owners in preparing the submission under the ZEB category for the next year.



(1) Comprehensive action plan

To improve the management and maintenance of the existing infrastructure (and industrial processes for increased energy efficiency).
– To increase the transfer and adoption of energyefficient technology to reduce energy intensity targeting 25% in the building sector, 25% in the industry sector, 15% in the transport sector, and 20% in total compared with 2014.


(2) How to promote ZEB

Implement an energyefficiency policy for priority sectors (building, industry, and transport).
Set energy managers.
Promote new and existing buildings in terms of ZEB, taking advantage of the information on ZEB’s practices in Japan.



(1) Action plan for BEC promotion

Building data gathering: 2019
Collaboration with EE&C-TWG: 20192024
Building technical criteria development: 2021
Developing BEC evaluation tools and Draft BEC regulations Act: 20212022
Training and preparation: 20222024
BEC regulation commissions: 20232024
Launching BEC regulation: 2024


(2) Action plan for general EE&C

– BECs and standard development
BEC dissemination
Best practices guidelines/manuals
Capacity building
Energy code support
Market mechanism for code implementation
To develop independent certifying agencies



(1) Key takeaways from ECAP 17

Data collection and analysis are very important.
A management representative should be involved in energy management with EMCO and EMPP.
There should be cooperation with public universities and a survey involving the private sector in order to set the standards (learned from site visits).
Various actual data should be collected and compared with simulation (learned fromsite visits).
Similar systems being used in Japan (Webpro) in the long term will be looked into.


(2) How to promote ZEB (realize and autonomously popularize ZEB)

With reference to Japans ZEB roadmap, to review current ML version ZEB definition and to consider the following as the next plan.
To introduce EPC (energy performance contracting) by ESCO (aiming to promote ZEB) .
To develop EPC implementation guidelines in government buildings.
Government to lead initiative by example programs.
To achieve 50 EPC projects in the government in 2019.
 - There are several funding initiatives available. For example:
 (i) Green Technology Financing Scheme.
 (ii) EPC fund to develop Energy Communication Platform action guidelines on government buildings.
To enforce government-led demonstration projects.
To utilize various related funds.


(1) Key takeaways of ECAP 17

– How to set up a benchmark system.
– Highly efficient energysaving technologies in Japan ZEB buildings.
– How to support the information to all levels.
NBEL for government buildings.
– To improve capacity building for contractors, civil engineers and architects, etc.
– Awareness rising on business operators.


(2) Continued effort of BEC/GBC implementation

Baseline data for ZEB ready buildings : 2019.
EC Guidelines for building (equipment based): 20192020.
Benchmark system by building type: 20192020.
Standard and labeling system of home appliances: 20192020.
Discussion on how to implement BECs/GBCs: 2019.
Development on BECs/GBCs: 2020.
NBEL for government buildings (to propose to our high authority): 2024.


(3) Challenges and possible support needed for the implementation

– To improve the investment cost (the payback period is too long).
Awareness rising (comfortable, reliable, affordable, sustainable).
– Capacity building.
– Material available.
Technical assistance supported by ECCJ:
 (a) Baseline data for ZEB ready buildings.
 (b) EC Guidelines for building (equipment based).
 (c) Benchmark system by building types.


(1) Key takeaways of ECAP 17

– Gradual progression is necessary (ZEB ready–nearly ZEB–ZEB–ZEB plus).
– The approach to the attainment of ZEB-ready facilities may first be focused on the energy utilization aspect (efficiency and conservation).
– In the establishment of a ZEB facility, the ROI/payback should not be the focus (because the payback period is usually long).
– Several innovations that can contribute to the attainment of ZEB-ready facilities are either already in existence or under development.


(2) GBC/BEC action plans or roadmaps

– A system should be in place that allows for proper monitoring/evaluation on the progress or compliance of the building code.
– Possible inclusion of humidity control or recommended humidity range in the building code.
– To start discussions with relevant parties for the establishment of a reference year for baseline energy consumption.
– To attempt to establish an agreement with local government units in the acquisition of energy data that they already possess.
– In anticipation of MEP, the future benchmark should be readily integrated with the building code.


(3) Challenges and possible support needed for the implementations

– To establish and polish datagathering procedures.
Scope widening.
To determine relevant figures/key messages.
To update collective information on technological advancements.
To consider establishing evaluation procedures on “rental buildings.


(1) Key takeaways of ECAP 17

Useful sharing on Japan’s EE and ZEB experience (energy benchmarking system, ZEB family concept, site visits to see the latest EE technologies).
The ZEB cost premium is relatively high (e.g.,., a 12% cost premium and a payback of 20 years in Japan).
Strong and growing ZEB culture in Japanground up and top down.


(2) GBC/BEC action plans or roadmaps

To build industry capability on SLE (infuse the SLE/ZEB concept in GMrelated courses).
To develop case studies based on completed SLE projects (the NUS SDE 4 project to be launched in January 2019).
To continue to focus on measurement and verification.


(3) Challenges and possible support needed for the implementation

To enrich tropical case studies for reference.
To share latest technologies among stakeholders.
R&D for ZEB technologies.


(1) GBC/BEC action plans or roadmaps

BECs in Thailand were enacted in 2009 and are scheduled to be fully enforced in 2019 on the basis of revisions and experimental application to some government-related buildings.
– ZEB ready will be incorporated in the form of HEPS (high-performance standards) as an evolutionary form of BECs, and plan to fold nearly ZEB as the form of ECON (Economic Building) in 2031.
The ZEB standard incorporates energy conservation (passive/active design), renewable energy (corresponding to peak demand), comfort, technological progress, etc.
In the BEC awards promoted by the Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency (DEDE), achievers of 30% or more, 50% or more, and 70% or more are rated as good, very good, and excellent, respectively. From the viewpoint of the number of entries and winners of the BEC awards from 2016 to 2018, the ZEB criteria setting is sufficient.


(1) Key takeaways of ECAP 17

Deeply understanding the ZEB family concept and ZEBrelated best practices by lectures.
Site visits help to better understand the ZEB-ready concept on new buildings and retrofitted buildings.


(2) GBC/BEC action plans or roadmaps in 20192020

– Issuing technical guidelines for matching criteria of green buildings.
– Cooperation with the Ministry of Construction to set up a national award on energy efficiency and green buildings.
To set up the EE baseline of EEB and ZEB ready for the small and medium category of office and commercial buildings in 2019.
– To prepare and launch for the national EEB and GB awards in 2020.
– To collect and submit an application of ZEB ready in the ASEAN awards.


(3) How to improve the BOJ procedure of the AEA

To arrange for the BOJ visiting of some AEA winners of the previous year.
– To give the opportunity for the focal point/representative of ZEBready submission to present it and answer the questions of BOJ.

Scenes at making the action plan, Presentations of the action plan (Malaysia and Singapore cases)