・The workshop program was designed carefully and operated duly to get the maximum effectiveness through 4 sessions: Country Report, Lectures & Site Visit, Discussion, and presention of AMS.
・10 ASEAN member states as well as ACE joined the workshop, which helped to build the sense of “one ASEAN” in the field of energy efficiency of buildings.
・Experts from inside and outside Japan played active roles as speakers and advisers and provided useful information for the participants in the discussions.
・Current status of and future direction of BEC/GBC in individual ASEAN countries.
・Understanding and confirming the goal of these series of workshops i.e.ECAP4, 7, 9 and SEforALL workshop (2017) and establishing regulatory framework for building energy efficiency of the BEC and GBC for all of the AMSs.
・Implementation status and issues of JBEC after the standard becoming mandatory.
・Basic idea of the benchmark system and ZEB Family concept of building energy efficiency and its current status in Japan.
・How to improve ASEAN Energy Award (AEA) evaluation standards and procedures in order to promote preparation and implementation of BEC/GBC in each AMS as the reference for their target with the expectation of the function of leverage.
・How to increase the number of entries to AEA in order to make more involvement of the countries who have been submitting less or no applications to the AEA System.
・Learning the policy and implementation situation of BEC/GBC and ZEB related knowledge to promote energy efficient buildings from Japan and AMSs through the lectures, site visit and country reports, how the concept of Japan’s ZEB standard can be adopted as the evaluation standard of the ASEAN Energy Award System.
(1) The participants understood the benchmark system for buildings and how to be implementing new BEC in Japan and shared the information of the situation of the
BEC/GBC in each AMS;
(2) The participants made proposals to improve evaluation standards and procedures of ASEAN Energy Award for promoting energy efficient buildings to achieve the goal of the previous workshops series.
(3) The participants understood the concept of ZEB Family and agreed to introduce this concept to AEA Special Submission Category” of Energy Efficient Building Award in addition to the existing ones i.e. cutting edge technologies and appropriate technology relevant to the development of EE&C in member Countries in order to promote further EE&C by disseminating ZEB Family concept in ASEAN region.
The representatives of all the AMSs and ACE representatives attended the workshop. These participation and cooperation from AMSs allowed the workshop productive by bringing in not only the action plans with respect to BEC/GBC in the participating countries, but also the future Japan-ASEAN cooperation in the field of promoting EE&C in the building sector.
(1) To continue the work for all of the AMSs to establish regulatory framework for building energy efficiency by promoting BEC/GBC in the light of special features of the countries and harmonized way in the region to some extent.
(2) Based upon the proposals and discussion made in this training session, continuous efforts should be done for the refinement of AEA especially in terms of more effective and efficient selection process.
(3) To seek more chance to introduce and establish national energy award to the countries where there is no existence now through the initiative of EE&C-SSN Focal Points.
(4) To proceed a concrete discussion and approval of AMS on how to set an evaluation standards or criteria for ZEB into AEA Special Submission Category.