SE4ALL Global Energy Efficiency Forum on Cities took place in Tokyo on 29-30 Oct. 2015
In the United Nations Climate Summit held in New York in September, 2014, Japan declared establishment of a hub of SE4ALL for facilitating energy efficiency, and the Energy Conservation Center, Japan became an Energy Efficiency Facilitating Hub. Amid the spread of urbanization in all over the world, this forum aimed to promote information exchange and cooperation among cities, gathering representatives of cities around the world that are enhancing energy efficiency. Active discussions were carried out in the following four themes: Energy Savings in the Building Sector, Transport and City Planning, District Energy System, and Collaboration between Industries and Cities across Wide Areas.
The forum started with the address of Toshimitsu Fujiki (Director General of Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy Department of ANRE, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)、Mohinder Gulati (Chief Operating Officer of the United Nation’s SE4ALL)、Yosaku Fuji (Chairman of the Energy Conservation Center, Japan) and gathered many excellent speakers, including Shuzo Murakami (Professor Emeritus of the University of Tokyo),Takao Kashiwagi (Professor Emeritus of Tokyo Institute of Technology), Masahiko Horie (Ambassador for Global Environment Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs) , contributing to making an appeal of Japanese technologies to the world.