ECCJ interviewed Mr. Mohinder Gulati of SE4All Chief Operating Officer
Mr. Tanaka:What is your comment about the forum on behalf of SE4ALL to ECCJ ?
Mohinder Gulati: Energy Conservation Center of Japan has held this first global forum on energy efficiency. So we are very delighted that ECCJ can become an example that it not only provides this technical expertise and advice to the cities and businesses in Japan but also globally that you can share with the world what kind of technical expertise you have but you can also send your experts to other countries and to other places and they can help them to achieve the same good results that you have achieved but it’s a two-way process.
Mr. Tanaka:Very value-added for us and to the others!
Mohinder Gulati:There is value added. So, therefore, it’s a two-way process. Learning is always a two-way process.
Mr. Tanaka:Win-win.
Mohinder Gulati: We are looking forward to a collaborative and very productive relationship with ECCJ that you can share lessons, you can share technology, you can share your expertise but also in turn learn from others’ *voices*.
Mr. Tanaka:That’s a super comment. Thanks so much.
Mohinder Gulati:Thank you so much.