ECCJ held the FY2022 5th online meeting relating to energy conservation support with Malaysia meeting
Under the instruction and financial support of the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy (ANRE), the Energy Conservation Center, Japan (ECCJ) has been implementing a bilateral energy conservation cooperation project with Malaysia which also continued in FY2022. On February 15, 2023, the fifth and final online meeting of the current fiscal year was held, which reviewed the contents of the activities including the invited training in Japan and the seminars implemented in the current fiscal year, while also hearing requests for the next fiscal year.
1. Meeting attendees:
(1) Malaysian side: Mr. Azlan Othman, Principal Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change (NRECC) and one other representative, Mr. Steve Anthony Lojuntin, Director, Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA) and one other representative, and Mr. Mohamad Faiz Mohd Yusoff, Assistant Director, Energy Commission (EC), making a total of five persons
(2) Japanese side: Six persons from the ECCJ International Cooperation Division
2. Overview of the meeting and its results: The following contents were confirmed, and discussions were held.
(1) Situation relating to the Malaysian energy conservation legal framework:
1) Reorganization of the Ministry in charge: It was confirmed that the EE&C Division affiliated department in the new organization comes under the Environmental Division.
2)Enactment trends of the energy efficiency and conservation act: The process has been delayed, and the reconsidered submission to parliament is planned for July this year.
3) Qualified energy manager system (Heat-related Type 2 qualified energy manager certification that is newly set): A system is being considered for the system transition period, in which persons with Type 1 qualified energy manager certifications who are qualified electrical energy managers will become Type 2 qualified energy managers with heat-related Type 2 qualified energy manager certifications through receiving additional heat-related lectures over a two or three-day period and passing an examination.
4) Qualified energy auditor system: It was determined not to separate electrical and heat energy auditors.
(2) Results of the activities implemented in FY2022:
1) BECMY9 invited training in Japan: The results of the practical training were favorable, but there were requests for more time to be given to building practical skills.
2) Pilot project: Because there have been applications for participation from three companies at the current point in time, it is planned to develop specific plans to visit and give guidance regarding these three companies in the next fiscal year. The building of a support system, including NRECC, was also requested.
3) Energy conservation guidelines seminar: Energy management standards are also being created by Malaysia. After enactment of the energy efficiency and conservation act, it is planned to make a comparison check and investigation of these standards.
(3) Support and cooperation requests for the next fiscal year: Requests were received regarding the three points described below.
1) Pilot project: Number of persons to be dispatched and the period for visiting and investigating the three companies
2) Invited training: Specific energy audits focused on heat-related equipment (including practical training)
3) University laboratory training facilities: Consideration and cooperation from two universities regarding the facilities and contents of the heat-related training which is being planned
3. Schedule going forward
After becoming entrusted with the next fiscal year’s capacity building program, ECCJ will hold an
online meeting relating to the next fiscal year’s activity plan from April onwards.