3. Small Group Discussions and ACE’s Summary

Brief Summary of the Small Group Discussions

Small group discussions were held to discuss the following points;

i. How to apply the lessons of the 2019 AEA result

ii.   Countermeasures to promote more AEA submission

<Group composition>

Group A: *Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Philippines (1), Singapore (1), ACE (1), advisor: Mr. Tanaka of ECCJ


Group B: Myanmar, *Philippines (2), Singapore (2), Thailand, Vietnam, ACE (2), advisor: Mr. Ushio of ECCJ
(*: Leader, elected a secretariat in charge of reporting in each group)


Figs. 15 Scenes at small group discussions (group A and group B)

Summary and Way Forward by ACE after the Discussion

ACE provided with the following information regarding the result of AEA 2019 and issues on ZEB Ready sub-category:

1. There were two (2) submissions received from Malaysia and Singapore

2. Board of judges (BOJ) decided to have no winner

3. BOJ suggested to further clarify and fine-tune the guidelines and definition of special submission, especially on ZEB Ready sub-category.


<Discussion Results>

The key takeaways and recommendations from the small group discussions are as follows:

1. To keep the current ASEAN Award categories for next year (2020)

2. To study following ideas
i.  Criteria:

  • ZEB Oriented > 30% energy saving (RE excluded)
  • ZEB Ready > 40% energy saving (RE excluded)
  • Nearly ZEB > 60% energy saving include RE
  • Net ZEB 100% or more energy saving include RE

ii.    Gross Floor Area (GFA): 2,000 square meters and above

iii.   Project should at least have 1-year operational data to be eligible to submit under ZEB category

3. To study following countermeasures to increase submission and enhance AEA procedures
i.  AMS (government) can help to promote ZEB concept by adopting policy and regulation

ii.   Consider using online platform for BOJ who cannot attend the final judging meeting (decision by EE&C focal Points)

iii.   Request for nominated judges for AEA to be familiar with the judging criteria based on ECAP workshop agreement (to be briefed by their own country representative who attended ECAP)

4. To consider elevating ZEB toa major category from sub-category in AEA’s Energy Efficient Building from Year 2021 onwards