ECCJ held an online seminar in the AJEEP scheme 4 program in FY2022 for ASEAN countries
Under the instruction and financial support of the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy (ANRE), the Energy Conservation Center, Japan (ECCJ) held an online seminar relating to the Comparative Report and the training program for qualified energy managers (ASEAN Common Standard Module) on February 24, 2023. The seminar was the fifth part of the AJEEP Scheme 4 program in the FY2022 EE&C capacity building program for ASEAN countries, and targeted persons related to energy conservation policies and systems in the governments of the 10 ASEAN countries.
1. Background: The AJEEP* Scheme 4, which has been newly started from this fiscal year, is a program that provides technical support for formulating an ASEAN Common Standard Module (common standard qualified energy manager training program) and developing a Sustainable ASEAN Energy Management Certification System (SAEMAS). As a premise to the above in the current fiscal year, it was planned to compile a report called the Comparative Report, which consists of a comparison of the qualified energy manager systems and training programs in each country with the details of the training conducted in the AJEEP TOT and the ASEAN Energy Management Certification System (AEMAS). It was also planned to create the draft configuration of the Common Standard Module. To realize these objectives, two or three persons in charge of policies and technical experts related to these systems were appointed from each country and a SAEMAS working group (WG) was established. Based on the reports and discussions in the ECAP**27 workshop in November last year and online interim workshops held three times in December last year, January this year, and on February 6. Based on these results, an online seminar was held on February 24 to report the current fiscal year’s results. (*AJEEP: ASEAN-Japan Energy Efficiency Partnership, **ECAP: Energy Conservation Workshop under AJEEP)
2. Seminar attendees: The total number of participants was 17 persons, focused on 12 policy makers from the ASEAN countries as the SAEMAS working group members, together with five representatives from the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE). Eight persons also participated from E3CJ.
3. Seminar overview:
(1) Based on the comparison tables giving outlines of the qualified energy manager system and the related training program from each ASEAN country together with details of the training programs of AEMAS and AJEEP TOT, ACE submitted the final draft of the Comparative Report which also added various kinds of analyses considering the energy circumstances in each country. The draft was confirmed with the participants from each country.
(2) The SAEMAS Common Standard Module draft configuration and main item draft were proposed by ECCJ. Many opinions were expressed, such as regarding the positioning of the Common Standard Module technical levels, the items to be included, and the methods of operating the practical training, and it was determined to continue with the considerations and discussions going forward.
4. Future plans: Although this seminar completes the activities of the Scheme 4 SAEMAS working group for the current fiscal year, it is intended to continue with the considerations/creation of the Common Standard Module contents and the discussions/confirmation of the final draft in the next fiscal year. It is also planned to begin considerations into the draft Advanced Module, which is positioned above the Common Standard Module, and the draft Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) Guideline.