ECCJ conducted training to support for the Brazilian government to introduce the CSPF to energy efficiency performance evaluations for air conditioners
Under the entrustment with financial support of the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy (ANRE), the Energy Conservation Center, Japan (ECCJ) has been implementing the bilateral cooperation project for EE&C capacity building program with the Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME).
In FY2021, ECCJ conducted training in under the cooperation project on “Energy conservation promotion for energy-intensive industries and equipment” to support the Brazilian government in the smooth enforcement of the Ordinance No. 234 of 2020 relating to the promotion of energy saving in equipment, which introduces the Cooling Seasonal Performance Factor (CSPF) to the energy efficiency performance evaluations for air conditioners. This ordinance was issued by the Ministry of the Economy through the National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality (INMETRO) in order to introduce the ISO 16358-1 CSPF. ANRE-ECCJ reached agreement with MME to conduct training of trainers (TOT) which can contribute to establishing the infrastructure required for enforcing the Ordinance from the end of 2022. The implementation of the 1st TOT was completed in February 2022.
To smoothly enforce the above-mentioned Ordinance No. 234, training was given to 21 leading government-related human resources who are concerned with the core testing institutes for air conditioners and the improvement of the standards and labeling (S&L) Systems for air conditioners. In addition, through providing advice during the TOT, these key persons developed the standardized testing manual for use in Brazil and the action plans related to the improvement of the laboratories in core testing institutes and the development of the related S&L Systems. As per the plans, the actual improvements have started.
It is anticipated that the enforcement of the Ordinance No. 234 will promote greater energy efficiency through the dissemination of inverter-based air conditioners in the Brazilian market, which will contribute to reducing electric power consumption in Brazil and cutting the country’s greenhouse gas emissions.
[Details of Activities]
The 1st TOT consisted of the training described below, and all of these activities were completed. Due to the very large impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, together with the 12-hour time difference, the training and the workshops in Brazil and in Japan were held utilizing online tools such as video recordings of lectures and web conferencing.
(STEP-1) Online Remote Training – Lectures: Completed in November 2020.
The required knowledge was provided relating to the relevant international standards and the performance testing methods that the standards require to be followed. The lectures were given using videos and textbooks. (For net two-day period)
(STEP-2) Training – Practice in Energy Efficiency conservation Performance Measurement: Completed in February 2022.
In the practical training, a master air conditioner (M-AC) donated by a Japanese-affiliated enterprise was used to enable the participants to gain experience of actually implementing the performance test which conforms to the ISO 16358-1 CSPF by applying the knowledge and information that they obtained in the STEP-1 Training. Through implementing this practical training, the participants could understand and identify specific improvement points for the core laboratories and the S&L System, and they established action plans for improving the core laboratories and the S&L Systems.
Specifically, the “STEP-2 Training – Practice in Energy Efficiency Performance Measurement” was implemented as follows.
(1) Conducted M-AC performance measurement beforehand in Japan (with the cooperation of the Japan Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Testing Laboratory (JATL)) – June 25, 2021
(2) Conducted performance measurement practice training at the two Brazilian core testing institutes* – November and December, 2021 (Each for a five-day period)
This training was implemented following guidance from the Japanese side by gathering together 21 persons while taking firm and comprehensive COVID-19 infection prevention measures.
(3) Held an online follow-up workshop relating to the performance measurement practice training results – January 26, 2022
Additionally, in order to proceed appropriate and effective improvements of the laboratories, the online meeting was also held on February 17, 2022 with attendance of the government-related persons including representatives from MME, and ECCJ-JATL provided advice to the two core testing institutions.
* The Electrical Energy Research Center (CEPEL) and the Specialized Electric-Electronic Laboratories (LABELO PUCRS)
The achievements of the on-site practice training described in (2) above were released by the Brazilian Federal Government on a website. (The URL is given below.)
1. Views of on-site practice training using the master air conditioner
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Weighing and charging the refrigerant | Installing the sampling pipes on the outdoor unit |
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Setting the test mode | Measuring the fan rotation speed | Measurements and gathering data |
2. Headline of the article released on the website of the Brazilian Ministry of Mines and
Energy (MME)

3. Photographs of participants in the online follow-up workshop
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