ECCJ held the FY2022 inception meeting of the energy conservation support project for ASEAN countries
The Energy Conservation Centre, Japan (ECCJ), in response to the “Project for contributing to the rationalization of energy use in emerging countries, etc. (EE&C capacity building program)” commissioned by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), held the inception meeting of this year in Bangkok, Thailand, for two days from 24-25 August 2022, with relevant personnel gathering (some members participating online). The inception meeting of this year was held to discuss the project plans and initiatives of AJEEP (ASEAN-JAPAN Energy Efficiency Partnership) with each country, and to confirm the start of preparations for the following two schemes to be launched this year.
(1) Establishment of an ASEAN common qualification system for energy management and its application (Scheme 4)
(2) Promotion of energy utilization technologies for realizing carbon neutrality (CN) (Scheme 5)
Screenshot of online participants |
The meeting was attended by the representatives of the ASEAN Energy Efficiency & Conservation – Sub-Sector Network (EE&C-SSN) from each ASEAN country and by the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE), who reviewed the objectives of the two schemes and this year’s implementation plan.
(1) In their opening remarks, the Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency, Ministry of Energy, Thailand, the host country, and ACE expressed their expectations for the start of the AJEEP new schemes linked to the APAEC Phase II, while the ECCJ thanked Thailand and other ASEAN countries and ACE for their cooperation in this project, and introduced the Japan’s policy to realize carbon neutrality by 2050, and support schemes for Asia such as AZEC, and the key points of the two schemes that will start this year.
(2) Scheme 4 will certify two levels of qualifications: one is a certified energy manager who is widely active in the ASEAN region through a Common module harmonizing national certification systems. The other is an expert who possesses knowledge and skills in project planning, equipment selection, financing and cost management, in addition to on-site energy management methods, and can formulate, operate and manage CN-related projects.
A research forum (ECAP27) will be held in November to investigate the details of national accreditation systems, before starting work on the qualification system.
(3) Scheme 5 will share information for CN in the industrial, transport and building sectors, with a kick-off meeting in October where ASEAN countries will report on their CN policies, technologies they wish to share information on and challenges they face in conducting decarbonization and energy efficiency audits.
The two workshops (ECAP 28/29) will include an introduction to decarbonization technologies for the industry and transport sector and technologies related to ZEB in the building sector, as well as virtual visits to factories and buildings.
APAEC: ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation
AZEC: Asia Zero Emission Community
ECAP: Energy Conservation Workshop under AJEEP