Implementation of energy conservation support project (First Online Workshop) for Cambodia on Sep. 2021
<Dispatch of experts>
The Energy Conservation Center, Japan (ECCJ) held the FY2021 ASEAN-Japan Energy Efficiency Partnership (AJEEP) Scheme 3 First Online Workshop on September 22, 2021 with the purpose of supporting the development of an energy conservation legal system framework in Cambodia.In a continuation from last year, due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic the workshop was held in an online format linking Phnom Penh, Jakarta, Bangkok and Tokyo. The main topics of the workshop were as follows.
(1) Confirmation of the current status of the National Energy Efficiency Policy, Strategy and Action Plan (NEEP) approval process
(2) Finalization of the proposed periodical report format as part of the energy management system development
(3) Confirmation of the contents of the Sub-Decree relating to the S&L system

The First Workshop held this time had participation by Mr. Victor Jona, Cambodian secretary of state, Dr. Nuki Agya Utama, Executive Director of the Asean Center for Energy, and persons in charge at the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), which is responsible for matters relating to energy conservation in Cambodia.
The following activities were implemented in the Workshop.
(1) The English and Khmer language versions of NEEP were finalized.
(2) Details of the periodical report format were discussed, and a draft was created.
(3) Regarding the S&L system, although the draft of the Sub-Decree is completed, ECCJ strongly recommended the utilization of the Cooling Seasonal Performance Factor (CSPF), which is an efficiency index for air conditioners.
(4) Mr. Wisaruth Maethasith from the Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency (DEDE) in Thailand, which is an ASEAN Partner Country and is leading in the creation of EC guideline, gave an introduction to the ways that the country is implementing activities. It is aimed to complete the setting of the periodical report format before holding the Second Workshop (planned for February), which will be the final activity in the project for the current fiscal year.
AJEEP: ASEAN-Japan Energy Efficiency Partnership Program
NEEP: National Energy Efficiency Policy, Strategy and Action Plan
S&L: Standard and Labeling
DEDE:Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency
MME: Ministry of Mines and Energy
CSPF: Cooling Seasonal Performance Factor