Holding of 2nd online consultation meeting for formulating energy conservation system in Myanmar
Under the instruction and financial support of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), the Energy Conservation Center, Japan (ECCJ) is implementing a bilateral cooperation project for Myanmar. On November 5, 2020, ECCJ held an online consultation meeting together with ECCJ’s counterpart in Myanmar, the Ministry of Planning, Finance and Industry (MOPFI), during which the participants exchanged their opinions relating to energy management in both countries and the Japanese private sector introduced the Japanese energy conservation successful cases.

Since 2016, ECCJ has been implementing a support project for formulating the energy conservation law that will become the core of the bilateral cooperation between Myanmar and Japan for promotion of energy conservation.
The meeting this time was composed of two parts, the morning and the afternoon which was held for one day as described below. In the meeting, the participants exchanged their opinions regarding the progress of the energy conservation policies in Myanmar and Japan and ECCJ gave a presentation regarding Japan’s experiences in developing its energy conservation law, which would provide with the references on the procedures for realizing the energy conservation law in Myanmar.
Relating to this, it is planned to hold a workshop in February of 2021 covering the procedures and documentation form to enforce the law.
Additionally, during the afternoon meeting, ECCJ gave presentations of the energy conservation successful cases in factories and buildings. Many questions were asked by the Myanmar side, allowing lively exchanges of opinions to be held. Although introduction of new advanced equipment is a hard challenge in Myanmar, it was apparent that the information provided is useful references in the many points that could be applied in case of the renewal of existing equipment.
The Energy Conservation Center, Japan continues to enhance the cooperation in order to put energy conservation law into force and realize the provision of a full range of related systems in Myanmar.