Exchange of memorandum at the Japan-China Energy Conservation / Holding discussions at NECC in China on future energy conservation cooperation on Nov. 2018
Under the instruction and financial support of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), the Energy Conservation Center, Japan (ECCJ) has been collaborating with National Energy Conservation Center (NECC) of China in energy conservation activities to promote energy conservation in China. At the Japan-China Energy Conservation and Environment Forum held on November 25, 2018, ECCJ exchanged a memorandum of understanding with NECC to continue their collaboration in energy conservation. Further, on January 22, 2019, lectures were given in NECC by experts from ECCJ on the theme of energy conservation and energy supply in universities, and discussions were held with Director General of the NECC and other key persons regarding the collaboration in energy conservation in the future.
□ Exchange of memorandum at the Japan-China Energy Conservation and Environment Forum (November 25, 2018)
Masahide Shima, Managing Director of the Energy Conservation Center, Japan (center left of the photograph below,) and Xu Qiang, Director General of the NECC (center right of the photograph below)
□ Lectures and discussions held with NECC (January 22, 2019)



Discussions with NECC
The lectures on January 22, 2019 were held in the seminar room of NECC in Beijing, with participation such as by NECC and members of the energy conservation departments ofseveral universities. In the lectures, explanations were given based on the results of activities in Mie University onitems including the optimization of energy supply and demand, equipment for realizing smart systems such as electric power storageand demand response, energy management, and demand prediction, for the purpose of realizing energy conservation in universities. Not only the lectures were aboutenergy conservation in universities, which is the theme for the current fiscal year,they also provided a link to the perspective of regional energy supply and energy conservation, which arethe topic planned for the next time.