ECCJ participated in the SEforALL regular forum in Lisbon on May 2018
Under the instruction and financial support of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), the Energy Conservation Center, Japan (ECCJ) participated in the SEforALL Regular Forum and SEforALL Hub Conference held in Lisbon, Portugal in May 2018. At the former, information exchanges and network building were conducted among the related members including SEforALL leaders. At the latter, studies were made for promoting cooperation to activate the activities of both the thematic and regional hubs.

SEforALL CEO’s presentation at the Forum

ECCJ and SEforAll managers
From May 2 to 4, 2018, the Forum was held during the first two days. Explanations were given to the fact that there is little expectation of achieving the overall SEforALL targets towards the year of 2030 and that EE&C activities with smaller cost are required. In addition, cooperation with institutions which maintain funding abilities including Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) such as the ADB, EBRD, IDB, IsDB, and AfDB was identified as a key for realizing the EE&C promotion project globally.
Additionally, at the SEforALL Hub Conference, it was pointed out that forming future investment by making use of MDBs influential power is important for enhancement of the SEforALL activities in Asia. This can be achieved through having EE&C advisors support the establishment of EE&C systems and introduce the latest EE&C technologies and EE&C best practices. ECCJ will also promote activities by realizing the scenario described above, to seek mechanisms for allowing Japanese companies to make good use of the SEforALL network in the future.
* SEforALL (Sustainable Energy for All):
SEforALL was started in Sep. 2011 as an initiative proposed by the then Secretary-General of the United Nations based on the belief of “energy being at the core of the economic development of all nations” (SEforALL is currently an NGO). As its objectives, it cites “(1) ensuring universal access to modern energy services”, “(2) doubling the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency”, and “(3) doubling the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix”.